Students: Become An Affiliate of Christina Hills

What is an affiliate?

Great question! An affiliate is someone who promotes products or services for a company, and when people buy those products or services through the affiliate’s unique link, the affiliate gets a commission. It’s like being a middle-person who earns a little something for connecting customers with products or services they might like.

For example, you have your favorite shop where you love to buy clothes. You tell your friend about it, and your friend decides to check it out. Now, if the shop gives you a special link to share with your friend and whenever your friend buys something using that link, the shop gives you a small reward, that link, and the reward system is what we call an “affiliate” setup.


The Website Creation Workshop Affiliate Program

We have an affiliate program so you can refer anyone who wants to take the course and get paid a referral fee.  We pay 20% if you refer 1-2 people and 30% if you refer 3 or more people

This is the special page for past and present students of the Website Creation Workshop who want to signup for our affiliate program.

Step 1)
Please fill out the short form below.  We use the ThriveCart System to track our affiliates and the Aweber system to communicate with you.  We pay a 20% referral fee.

The email address that you list below is the main means that we will use to communicate with you. The PayPal email address is what we will use to pay you via PayPal. They can be the same thing.


You can find our affiliate terms here:

ThriveCart Platform’s Terms & Conditions are here:

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