Launch Spring 2025 – Website Creation Workshop
April 7 – 23rd, 2025


We Make It Easy To Promote & Earn Big Commission Checks!
And Your People Will Love the Website Creation Workshop. Here’s why…

More than 4,596 Students Have Been Through The Website Creation Workshop since I Started Running It in 2008, and People Are Still Raving About It!


What is The Website Creation Workshop?

coming soonThe Website Creation Workshop is a Live Online Training and Coaching Program with me, Christina Hills, where I take students through the process of creating their own websites in WordPress without a webmaster. The program is delivered via online training audios, videos, and PDF handouts with live webinar sessions.

Who is it For?

The Website Creation Workshop is designed specifically for people who are busy building their business, are slightly technophobic, and would probably get a bit intimidated at the sight of WordPress code. It’s great for coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, healers, and all spiritually oriented entrepreneurs. The program empowers students to come out of it with a beautiful website that they have built themselves!

Why You Want to Promote This Program…

This complements your existing business, and you can make money with me when you promote my upcoming Website Creation Workshop and help YOUR people get their websites built. Plus, when your clients have EFFECTIVE websites, they will feel confident, attract more clients, make more sales, and become one of your Success Stories.

Each Student Gets a New, Ready-to-Use WordPress “Student Project” Website as Soon As They Register.

What makes this program different from other WordPress training programs, is that each person in the program gets a test WordPress site  to work in and develop their website. It gets them over the hurdle of “must know WordPress to Learn WordPress”. It’s hidden from the search engines so that they can play around and test out their ideas privately. They cannot make a mistake with it, and if they mess it up, we will fix it. They get this practice WordPress site to use for 12 months!  Plenty of time to develop their website and get it installed in their hosting account.

This Is A Proven Program That Will Make You And Your Referrals Look Good!

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